“I somehow felt guilty, but at the same time I didn’t want to stop. It’s a music addiction that arrives to kick you so hard that you can’t get out of it.”
IQADS BLOG, Ioana ‐ Invisible Twin, a swirling feelings performance
“The appearance in our space of contemporary dance of a new choregrapher‐performer as Sandra Mavhima waistline is a sign of the inexhaustible abundance of talent, which may arise at any time in an environment conducive to creative freedom.”
ROMÂNIA LITERARĂ MAGAZINE, Liana Tugearu, One‐women show, Sandra Mavhima
“If you are for the first time at a contemporary dance performance, you are going to feel strange at first. Then, it’s likey to be afraid that you would not understand, and that electronic music you’ll find it heavy. And you will think that you are not in the right place, or the performance it’s not for you. Then you will observe how easy Sandra moves on stage and how well she matches every muscle in her body to the rhythm of the piece.”
LUNG ȘI LA SUBIECT BLOG ‐ Carmen Albișteanu ‐ Invisible Twin, contemporary dance on electronic music
”In Invisible Twin it’s, ultimately, about how to feel good in your own skin. ”
SUB25.RO, Cristina Toderas ‐ Sandra Mavhima and the masks
“Overall, the performance was extremely successful and I would certainly go to other.”
ALEXANDRUHAPIEV.RO ‐ Invisible Twin by Sandra Mavhima
“An unprecedented dance performance, recommended to dance consumers with maximum tolerance at electronic music.”
AMDOAR18ANI.RO, Invisible Twin – A dance and music experiment à la Sandra Mavhima
”German electroonic music (long live Shazam!) of the best quallity, the sound too, light show, a one‐woman performance which went through several emotional moods. I highly recommend it!”
PAPUSARUSEASCA.RO, Olivia ‐ Unconventional theatre, cat movements on electro music
“A superb initiative, 15 minutes of aesthetic pleasure and stimulation of reflection. Enjoy!”
ATLASI.RO, Marina Evelina Cranca ‐ Collective Identity or Slaughterhouse Identity
”The suite of moments that make up the Collective Identity Sandra Mavhima’s film, powerful pointed, each with a life itself and marked by the eternal dispute, always revived, between classic and modernity, in every age, actually defines the identity of the present time.”
ROMANIA LITERARA, Liana Tugearu ‐ Sandra Mavhima about the identity of contemporary dance in film
“Astounding. Visual fascinating and emotional, even more.”
INFORMAL.RO, Lucia Reich ‐ Dance, emotional research (Collective Identity)
“Here’s that contemporary Romanian dance environment is growing in a increasingly more interesting way through an audacious project, namely, the first contemporary dance film of Romania ‐ Collective Identity.”
METROPOTAM.RO, Flavia ‐ The first Romanian contemporary dance film
“It’s easy sad to realize that it’s hard to put the label “made in Romania” on things impeccably made. However, it seems that we are on the right track.”
“I could not believe that the team was Romanian based and I’ve continued to watch fascinated at their short film.”
ANDREEARAICU.RO, Diana Marasoiu ‐ Film and performance, the magic of dance
“About the excitement of the dance, about the uniqueness of the artist and of his life, in a short film.”
WEBCULTURA.RO, Sorin Tudor ‐ Collective Identity
”La un an după lansarea scurtmetrajului Collective Identity, coregrafa şi dansatoarea Sandra Mavhima propune un spectacol inedit recomandat iubitorilor de dans, cu toleranţă maximă la muzica electronică.”
“With a visceral sound design in which the classical harmonies are permanently destabilized as electro‐industrial, with a stage design, an image and an impressive body expressiveness, COLLECTIVE IDENTITY is a beguiling touch essay about freedom.”
”A memorable choreography and an atmosphere of oppression”
FILMETARI.RO ‐ Next Dance 2012
”I watched this twice, then hit play again.”
APAGE.RO, Andrei Kaigorov & Barna Nemeti – A sit down with Sandra Mavhima & Radu Aldea ab their Collective Identity, and more
“On serious rhythms and sounds, the body (the human), is expressing his message through tense gestures, same as the emotions that generates them.”
BEWHERE MAGAZINE, Cristina Gavrila – Collective Identity
“Set in a post-industrial framework evoking a dystopian world, COLLECTIVE IDENTITY broaches the clash between harmony and entropy through the oppositional positing of classical and contemporary dance. The choreographer – dressed in a ballet costume with the apron of a butcher on top, always demanding discipline and perfection from his students – stands more or less for a bygone era of harmony. At the other end, the dancers, usually accompanied by electronic music, appear as human beings in a continuous metamorphosis, whose complexity is too difficult to seize in just one form of expression. One of the main questions raised by the two directors concerns precisely this molding process conducted by a classically trained mentor. Where does one stand in a collectivity? And more importantly, does being part of a collectivity presuppose the effacing of one’s individual identity? Like a hidden observer, the camera explores the intimacy of this group, with sudden irruptions of black and white or red in the earthy color scale, focusing on the vividness of the body movements.”
Bucharest International Experiemental Film Festival, Andreea Mihalcea – Collective Identity
“It leads me to the globalization, to the huge community of the EU and its single currency, that dissolves the others, but also to communism and collectivization, to the uniformity of social classes that covers the personality, originality or the specificity of the individual. Or simply to the ballet dancers that build together the same image in motion, indigo swans …”
GENOVEVADANS.WORDPRESS.COM, Genoveva Breaz – X/0 Dance Project
“Save 15 minutes of your time and look how at a local team of professional dancers, extremely talented, reconstruct through gesture of a delightful lyricism, one of the hidden stories of the soul of an artist.”
URBANBOARD.TUMBLR.COM ‐ Collective Identity
Despre dansul contemporan, cei mai mulți dintre noi știm doar că este un gen de dans în picioarele goale. Evident că este mult mai mult decât atât și profităm de prezența companiei de dans contemporan Secția de Coregrafie din București condusă de Sandra Mavhima pe scena de la Centrul de Arte din Sitges, miercuri 21 septembrie, pentru o scurtă prezentare a genului artistic pe care îl reprezintă.
ROBARNA.COM, Ani Dumitru – Dansul contemporan: gratie, atitudine, miscare, arta
”An essay that summarizes the performative and temporal suspension of artistic practice within nearly nine months of pregnancy maternal.
The performance represents a mirror of the tension and the negotiation between a perfectly composed art and no less, of a creative present time, urgent, imminent, coercive.
The dual relationship of artistic act with herself and time, descrives the course of vessels interconnecting, in which communication is interrogative in the appropriate manner, directly naked.”
Igor Mocanu, art critic and curator curator – The Fall of Eve
”Rod al colaborării dintre Martz Contemporary Dance Company, coordonat de Eva Sanchez Martz din Spania și Secția de Coregrafie condus de Sandra Mavhima, Iron Cage spectacolul pe care cele două companii de dans reunite l-au prezentat la Institutul de Arte de Barcelona din Sitges a fost un eveniment remarcabil ca semnificație și ținută. O poveste despre viață, iubire, emoții și luptă, narată într-un limbaj deschis și franc, cu instrumente specifice artei spectacolului bine proporționate de mâna fermă a coregrafului.”
ROBARNA.RO, Ani Dumitru, IronCage
Am aflat despre proiectul „Miscare si Culoare” de la coregrafa Sandra Mavhima, creatoarea Asociatiei Sectia de Coregrafie. Desi are si cuvantul miscare in denumire, proiectul de fapt propune o tehnica ceva mai complexa, care pune accent pe multidisciplinaritate si imbinarea creativitatii cu elemente din stiinta si tehnologie.
REDBALLERINA.COM, Miscare si Culoare
”O familie aflata pe punctul de a se dezbina, a carei salvare vine din partea unei … invatatoare – doamna Sonia interpretata de Sandra Mavhima – este pusa sub microscop, iar diferentele culturale, prejudecatile sunt complet inlaturate prin maiestria interpretarii si a actului regizoral.”
qbebe.ro, Irina Olteanu – Noi doi sau cum ne-a impresionat o piesa de teatru in mod neasteptat